Hailing from Los Angeles, CA, Touche Amore set themselves against the glamour and greed of their hometown culture with... To The Beat Of A Dead Horse, the passionate debut LP set for release through 6131/Collect Records. Where Touche Amore's demo 7' on No Sleep Records was full of promise, ... To The Beat Of A Dead Horse never feels fully realized: the guitars bend and weave but always maintain their drive, the rhythms are frequently off kilter but never off-time and the vocals are screamed at the edge of breaking up but they're always exciting, pleasing even. Featuring guest vocals by THURSDAY'S Geoff Rickly and MODERN LIFE IS WAR'S Jeff Eaton,... To The Beat Of A Dead Horse was recorded by Alex Estrada at Earth Capital Studios and mastered by Paul Miner (SUICIDE FILE, NEW FOUND GLORY, UNBROKEN).